History of Lion Corporation
Having observed the lives of people for over 130 years since the founding of LION Corporation Japan in 1891 by Mr. Tomijiro Kobayashi, LION understands the needs of the people and is dedicated to providing innovative and technology-driven products that make everyday living a healthy and pleasurable experience.

History of Kallol Group
In 1972, Kallol embarked on its journey with a few local brands. However, 1987 was the year that marked the beginning of our success as Kallol became the licensee of Fay International Ltd. UK. Kallol produced a wide variety of tissue products for Fay in Bangladesh. Finally, after much effort and dedication, Kallol was able to get nationwide recognition as the distributor of internationally renowned FMCG and durable consumer goods in 1993. Kallol also locked Jet, a renowned and first-mover brand in the powder detergent category in 2006. But Kallol hit the milestone in 2010 when Joint Venture agreements were signed with Jyothy Laboratories Ltd., India, and another with the Thai President Food Plc, Thailand. Besides that, Kallol imports and distributes healthy and refreshing instant drink powder Nutri-C. As for durable consumer goods, Kallol imports 29 international watch & writing instrument brands. These are distributed and retailed through 63 retail chain outlets all over the country. The retail stores known as ‘TIMEZONE’ are located in all the key shopping malls and international hotels. On the other hand, Kallol has nationwide distribution channels in all 64 districts in Bangladesh.

History of LION-Kallol
Established in late September 2022, LION-Kallol has become one of the renowned brands in the market. So far, LION-Kallol has introduced two products, one Mama Lemon Liquid Dish Wash and another Systema Toothbrush. In the future, LION-Kallol plans on introducing more such household amenities in the market. This company has made it so far in the market with the guidance of Managing Director Masaaki Mitusi.

LION Corporation


Tokyo, Japan


The manufacture and sale of toothpastes, toothbrushes, soaps, detergents, hair-and skin-care products, cooking-related products, and pharmaceuticals. Exports to overseas affiliates.


October 30, 1891


Representative Director, President and Executive Officer
Masayuki Takemori

LION Kallol Limited


Dhaka, Bangladesh


Sale of household products

Date of Establishment

Late September 2022

Managing Director

Masaaki Mitsui

Corporate Philosophy


Make a difference in everyday lives by redesigning habits: ReDesign


Our beliefs guide all that we do—our thinking, our actions and our decisions—as we strive to implement our purpose in an ever more diverse world. Based on these beliefs, all of us at Lion strive to find new ways to improve everyday living, bringing passion and professionalism to our work.

The customer determines the value

New habits are valuable only when people make them their own. If society doesn’t see the value in a new idea, there is always a reason why. We must ask ourselves, Is the idea really helpful for better living? In adjusting it to be more practical, have we lost its essence? Is the idea competitive enough to stand out? Will society still need it in the future? Being chosen by customers is essential to making a difference in everyday life. “The customer determines the value” is the business perspective Lion values most.

Believe in yourself and be productive

There is value in being “just ordinary.” Our most ordinary feelings, tastes, and thoughts are those that resonate most broadly. Listen to your heart and take the initiative, moving forward with courage and humility. When one person’s enthusiasm for an idea spreads to others— that is how we create new habits. Life is too short to do only what others ask of us. Lion values a culture that tolerates failure and celebrates effort.

Speed makes the difference

Better habits can support physical and mental health, so spreading them quickly matters. We squarely face the problem to be solved and strive to find high-quality solutions in less time. Don’t rush forward blindly; rather, question convention to find the way forward. Avoid getting bogged down in planning; just give it a try and quickly adjust to get closer and closer to the answer. A true professional not only does good work but does it quickly. In this time of change, we at Lion believe that we cannot make a difference by arriving on the scene late.

Interact and inspire to create

No ingredient can react with itself to form something new. The same goes for people. True breakthroughs happen when individuals offering different ingredients— skills, knowledge, and perspectives— come together under a single goal. At Lion, we always strive for open discussion, regardless of position or age, department or country, and actively work with external partners to develop more creative solutions.

Change moves us forward

The world is changing and changing fast. As technology, lifestyles, and society change at a dizzying pace, the appearance of new players can transform markets at any moment. In uncertain and unpredictable times, we must always consider multiple future scenarios and react flexibly. Change can be scary, but it can also be fun. A changing environment is an opportunity to evolve. Since our founding, we have constantly striven to forge new paths in the face of challenges. The courage to change drives Lion’s growth.


The LION Group’s strong reputation for trustworthiness has been built through decades of hard work by its employees. The trust the Group enjoys has been a key driver of its growth and development. As our operating environment continues to undergo profound changes, we strongly believe that it is necessary to clearly lay out the principles that anchor our behavior, which we have honed over years of operations, in a Code of Conduct. We must create and maintain a framework that will ensure that each and every person working in the LION group understands and can carry out their responsibilities.

Compliance means obeying laws and regulations as well as maintaining a strong ethical grounding to satisfy the expectations and needs of customers and other stakeholders while fulfilling our role as a public entity. We regard ethics as meaning, broadly, doing what is right. In concrete terms, we see this as rooted in being honest, observing social mores, not antagonizing others, and thinking of others as we think of ourselves. Based on this understanding, we established the LION Group Charter for Corporate Behavior.

We hereby declare our commitment to upholding the LION Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and ensuring that the Company is useful and valuable to society.

Global Offices

LION Corporation (http://www.lion.co.jp/en/)

LION Corporation (Singapore) Pte Ltd (https://www.lioncorp.com.sg/)

LION Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. (http://www.lion.co.th/)

Southern LION Sdn. Bhd. (http://www.southernlion.com.my/)

LION Wings (http://www.lionwings.com/)

LION Corporation (Korea) (http://www.lionkorea.co.kr)

LION Daily Necessities Chemicals (Qingdao) Co. Ltd (http://www.lionchina.cn/)

LION Corporation (Hong Kong) Ltd. (http://www.lioncorphk.com/)

LION Home Products (Taiwan) Co. Ltd. (http://www.lion-corp.com.tw/)

LION Kallol Limited

Merap LION Holding Corporation